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Benefits of Membership

Education was the original mission of MARPA. PMA parts are manufactured to the most exacting safety standards in the world: the airworthiness standards of the aviation regulations. Yet, when MARPA was first formed, many people did not understand that PMA parts provided cost savings without compromising safety. In the early days of MARPA, it was important to educate the aviation industry about the rigorous standards applied to both design approval and production quality assurance of PMA parts.

As the industry has accepted PMA parts, MARPA's mission has grown to address the other needs of the industry, such as working with the FAA to help improve safety standards and ensuring that new standards do not impose significant burdens on the industry without tangible correlative aviation safety benefits.

To help you achieve results for your business, MARPA membership provides:

  • Government Affairs
    Located in Washington, D.C., MARPA is ideally located to influence FAA policy in a positive direction on behalf of the PMA Community. As the voice of the PMA industry, MARPA maintains excellent relationships with the FAA and has years of experience working in partnership with the FAA to effect positive change that benefits the flying public, as well as the PMA industry. The Association participated in the ARAC charged with rewriting Part 21 of the Federal Aviation Regulations and helped to create rulemaking that would facilitate certification of PMA parts and foster a fair regulatory environment for PMA manufacturers.

    In addition to its excellent working relationship with FAA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., the Association has experience working with FAA field offices to meet safety goals while enhancing the business interests of member companies. MARPA is a resource to industry, providing information to existing member companies about how to effectively work with the FAA, maintain safety, and improve quality.

    With a growing roster of members, MARPA represents a significant part of the aviation industry. We have enjoyed a very positive relationship working as a partner with government agencies. Thanks to MARPA's influence and its record of success, MARPA gives your business a seat at the table where aviation policy is made.

    We are the PMA industry's voice in Washington.
  • Industry Marketing
    MARPA has been the advocate for the PMA industry around the world. Our marketing focus is simple - we promote the dissemination of verifiable facts about the PMA marketplace; the PMA industry's . Our marketing efforts include:
    • trade press articles
    • print advertising
    • sponsorship and participation in PMA education events
    • meetings with companies and trade associations to discuss the law and facts about PMAs
    • publications in various media designed to promote and explain the PMA industry
    We are the PMA industry's voice around the world.
  • Information, Statistics, and Resources
    MARPA is always on the lookout for regulations, policies, and trends that affect PMA manufacturers. The organization keeps member companies informed and gives advance notice of such issues so that MARPA and its members can work towards a better environment for PMA manufacturers.

    With its robust membership, MARPA has access to a large base of information and statistics affecting the PMA industry. Through MARPA membership, businesses are privy to information reports developed by the Association.

    MARPA also releases publications, like the MARPA Blog and MARPA Supplement, to highlight some of the major news in the PMA and aviation regulatory world to help keep businesses abreast of the latest trends and issues.
  • Advice
    Looking for advice about PMA? MARPA is the right source for the right answers! Our annual conferences feature the most important names and ideas in the PMA world. Our monthly newsletter discusses the latest trends and changes in the industry. And when a MARPA member needs help, the Association is there to provide advice and to seek out industry wide solutions that improve safety and assist in providing high-quality aircraft parts at reasonable prices.
  • Strategies and Training
    With years of experience, MARPA knows the PMA industry inside and out, as well as the external forces affecting it. In addition to providing members with a voice in Washington, MARPA consults with members to build consensus on major issues. In particular, MARPA is focused on strategies for supporting the aviation industry's safety goals. MARPA takes these positions to aviation policymakers and ensures an optimal regulatory environment for PMA manufacturers.

    Additionally, MARPA directly engages members by offering hazardous material training, an annual conference, and periodic other training opportunities. In the future, MARPA will continue to develop and offer further training classes and training benefits for all members.
  • Expertise and Networking
    MARPA's membership is diverse and includes manufacturers of a wide variety of components. The association's membership includes some of the biggest names in the PMA world.

    Professionals from these leading PMA companies occupy positions on MARPA's Board of Directors and serve as committee chairmen and committee members. These professionals bring their years of experience to help tackle the major issues affecting the PMA industry.

    Members of MARPA also have excellent networking opportunities, particularly through the group's annual conferences. Members also connect and build community during the casual monthly Midweek MARPA "virtual happy hour". These opportunities can help your company find new customers and expand its product base for successful future growth.
  • Other Benefits
    MARPA continues to work on new programs and benefits that it can provide to its members. If you have an idea for a valuable service or benefit that we are not yet offering to out members, please feel free to contact us with your ideas.
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MARPA | 2233 Wisconsin Ave., NW Suite 503 Washington, DC 20007; | Tel (202) 628-6777 | Email: MARPA@PMAparts.org | MARPA Privacy Policy
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